
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hurricane Restoration

Hey friends
         I would like to say thank you to those of you have been helping with the fundraising effort. We have reached over half our Goal of 100 shelters to place families back in shelters. And I do not want to limit God and what He wants to do as we make preparation to help those in need. I was encouraged Saturday and Sunday as I visited the southwest of Haiti, by the number of tarps that have been distributed to help people in the relief situation. Again thank you so much for being a voice to those who do not have a voice. Above is a link which will help you understand and share with others the gravity of the need there. Please be in prayer for our transition over the next two weeks. I will return to the states on Friday. Then on the fifth of December I will return and ramp up the rebuilding effort. Mary will follow after the first of the year. Also be in prayer for our provision of a house and transportation for moving building materials.

With love in Christ
Emory and Mary Wilson

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