Some images may be considered graphic.
Some images may be considered graphic.

It is so good to see God's hand at work in so many ways. It has been a busy month during June with many helping hands volunteering time and resources to build relationships into the Kingdom of God. Mary and I have taken a few days off this week and are in the mountains spending time with each other and with God. Her neck is well now. Thanks for your prayers. It is a blessing to step back and take a breath now and then. God continues to be our source of strength and provision.

Kathy has been here this month continuing to work with the mommas in Jubilee to generate income for their families. She has also been helping with the visitors who come. Beaver has been working at their home in Waynesville selling things and making preparations to move. He and Kathy are praying that God would sell or rent their house, they have in Waynesville to someone. Please pray with them as they spend time with family and friends next month and continue preparations to be here in Haiti.

The children and some of the adults from Glynn Baptist church in Thalman Ga. raised some funds to give some of the families some Goats. While Beaver was here in April, he bought goats and gave them to some families. I was able to visit some of them last week and they were very happy for the provision for their families. Thanks for giving to those in Need.

We had a group from Union South Carolina visit with us at the first of the month, and they helped us pour the cement roof on half of the school building. The Haitian laborers working along with the team, poured over 19 yards of concrete in 8 hours It is a blessing to have that completed, so it will be ready when school begins. We are now working on doors and windows for the rooms. Please help pray for funding to continue pouring the other half of the roof. Greg Dixon visited with us with a team from First Baptist Brunswick and then Pastor Wayne from Terry Ann's home church brought a team to visit with us last week. These visitors have been a blessing as they have shared God's love with us and our friends here.

Through much difficulty and learning, we think we have a good route for the containers now and hopefully the two containers will be shipped next week. The cost is seven Thousand dollars each which covers shipping and customs. Team effort has the prefabbed houses which they built along with a local church there, on the containers, which will bring shelter to people in need when they arrive. We also have many items for the school including desk, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. We have forms which we will use for building the cement houses, a cement mixer, a backhoe, Kids against hunger food, and many other items for the work here. Team effort is covering the cost of one of the containers. If you would like to contribute to this shipping cost it would be a blessing. Please pray for funding, and safe, secure passage through the shipping and customs processes.

God brought another young man into our lives the 6th of June. His name is Jodlin and he is 15 years old. He came from St Michelle where he had lost both of his parents some time before. In April an abscess began in a tooth which turned into a huge tumor. Doc brought him to us on that Monday and we were able to get him to a hospital on Wednesday. The team from Union SC was here and very generous to help take care of his initial hospital stay and care. He had surgery on the 16th and is doing well. He has no place to go, so he is staying with us now. After he heals and gets beyond some immediate medical needs, Pastor Genada has agreed to take him in. Please continue to pray for him and his healing.
Brian has been home with his family for a few weeks and will return in a couple of weeks to continue on the home construction. On the 8th of June 8 new families moved into new homes. 4 of these were elderly widows who did not have a place to stay. We thank God for His provision for those in need. Please Continue to pray for this project.
Cross International has helped Pastor Genada build a school for the deaf students. Pastor Genada, Rose and the students are very happy. We praise God for His provision. Please continue to pray for the Genadas and their ministry.
Julie, Laura Lynn, and Terry Ann are home with their families and friends for the summer. On behalf of the team here we are very thankful for your prayers and support without which, we would not see the transformation which God is doing in Jubilee.
Prayer request
Praising Him for healing to Mary's neck
Jodlin as he heals from surgery.
Genada's and their ministry.
Containers funding for shipping, safe and secure passage.
Home construction. people placement.
Kathy and Beaver as they complete transition.