It is great to be beside my wife again. I arrived on Friday night and we have been resting and spending some time with each other. With Doctor's advise, last Thursday Mary stopped taking her diabetic medicine and she is doing a lot better. It seems that the metformin was causing the nausea. We praise the Lord for this as it seems she no longer needs the metformin. Thank so much for your prayers for her.
On Monday the 14th, Kathy and Beaver Brooks arrived in Gonaives to work in our stead for some time while we are here sharing the needs of Jubilee with churches and individuals and invite them to get involved. We are thankful for them and their sacrifice for the people of Jubilee and the Kingdom of God. While they are there, they will be focusing on community development and job skills training. They will be utilizing teams who are coming during this time, to accomplish these goals.

Dr. Karen McCarthy returned to Gonaives last week with a medical team from Jacksonville, which give life and hope to many in desperate situations. They were able to do a clinic at Pastor Genada's church on Tuesday and in Jubilee on Wednesday and had several clinics in PAP. Please pray for this team as they minister to the medical needs of Haiti in the Name of Jesus. We are thankful for them and for the sacrifices which they make for the Kingdom of God.

We serve an amazing God who continues to change and transform Jubilee. The school continues to go well and the teachers are wonderful as they teach and encourage the children in life giving ways. Encouraging them to do things which will give honor and respect to each other and to God. Brian has went home for a few weeks to be with his wife and will return on the 8th of March to continue the housing project. We thank God for those who have given and sacrificed for those who need a home. May God be glorified through it all. He is worthy!

I have been meditating on what it means to prefer one another in our relationships and in ministry. Romans 12:10 says " Be kindly devoted to one another, with brotherly love, in honor preferring one another". This is easy for us to do with people we love and are close to, but as Christians we are called to do this to people who are not so easy to love to those who sometimes hurt us or do not love and honor us in return. We do not have the opportunity to exercise this kind of love when everything is going smooth, it is when things are in tension that we have this opportunity. I think what is being said, is to make the other person more important than yourself or make yourself less important than the other person. As I have been mediating on this and trying to make the application in my own life God has been showing me how I need to expand this to ministries and how we relate to one another as we do Kingdom work. When Nehemiah was building the wall, it was a community effort which involved each family working on the wall where they lived. The idea was to get the wall up for protection from their enemies. If there is a breach in the wall they could be attacked. So they were not in competition with each other to see who get it done first, whose wall would look the best, or who could gather the most resources, they were working together to protect the community of God's people from the enemy. If all the families finished their work, and one was lacking, it would be as though they had not accomplished anything, because their would continue to be a breach in the wall. I believe as they worked some had more mortar, some had more, rocks, some had more bricks, some had more water, because they had a well. They shared their resources, where they could finish the task and be protected, where there would not be a breach in the wall. As I meditate on preferring one another in ministry, God continues to show us ways which we can prefer another and share our resources where there will not be a breach in the wall for the enemy to come against us. If one of us fail, we all fail. Today I want to share with you a couple of ministries which God has allowed me to witness as they work on the wall of the Kingdom of God. They have put their hand to the work and I would like for you to have an opportunity to know them and pray about how God would have you to help them and get involved in their ministry. Attached is their info and it will be posted on our blog under the heading "other opportunities to serve." I will be sharing others with you in the future and also place them on the blog.
Sherrie Fausey is one which many of you know already. She lives in Port-au-Prince Haiti and I have had to opportunity to work with her for several years. The other is Mike Leland. He has an orphanage, school and works with many local pastors and people in need. His primary work is north of Gonaives. You can see his work at the sites below. Please pray for them and their work on the wall of the Kingdom of God as we build together.
www.newgenerationhaiti.org Blog is http://newgenerationhaiti.blogspot.com/

www.newgenerationhaiti.org Blog is http://newgenerationhaiti.blogspot.com/
Prayer Request
Mary; we rejoice in her victories
School and those who serve there.
Housing project and community
Our personal spiritual growth
Beaver and Kathy as they serve in Jubilee
Community development and job skills training.