It has been a few of very trying weeks that have taxed each of us here in Gonaives and Jubilee. It has been one of the most emotional roller-coasters we have been on, but God has seen us through it and He has been glorified in so many ways. I have not been able to communicate with many of you, because of computer issues, so I will recap what has happened in the last three weeks. I am thankful for those at SSCC who have blessed the ministry with a new computer and for Barry Harrell recovering all my files and info from the old one. It is a blessing to be able to communicate with you again.
When Hurricane Tomas passed by Gonaives on Friday night November 5th, it left a about a foot of water in the city and in Jubilee. It was a trying time for many families. Laura Lynn and Rachel were able to assist many people during that time by allowing them to come to the school to dry off and have a place to sleep. We thank God for His refuge in times of storms. Julie was at the house and made preparations for the worst along with Amos, Gertrude and Marvins. There was a little water in the Garage but it did not enter the rest of the house. We praise God for honoring our prayers.
On Monday the 8th of November after Tomas left we were faced with yet another storm called cholera. By Wednesday 8 people in Jubilee died from it. The whole team here was awesome in helping those who had cholera. There were many sick in their homes and many sick people came to the school to get help. The hospital in Roboto was not taking anyone with Cholera and the other hospitals were overflowing. It was not a good situation for three days. On Wednesdayfluids to hundreds of people. We praise God for the well which was very timely. We were able to help with education for prevention. Mary, Julie, Laura Lynn, Rachel, and Brian all worked very hard to keep people alive through iv, oral re-hydration, and education. In the mist of the crisis, Nathan Blessing with Cross International traveled to Gonaives with a truck loaded with supplies which we were out of or did not have. We praise God for His provision through this time. 
On Tuesday the 16th we received a call from some Doctors and nurses near Cap Haitia who needed a ride to get to the airport on Wednesday. I have never traveled there but the scenery was great and it reminded me of what Jubilee will look like one day. They were able to spend the night with us in Gonaives and made it to PAP in time for their flight. We seen God's hand of protection and provision in a mighty way through this. We thank God for new friends and relationships.
We thank God for his provision through those who have visited with us over the past few weeks. The first week of November, we had a team from the Waycross, Blackshear, Ga. area with us. Their activities included completing the top on the cistern, teaching worship songs to the children in the school, and giving lots of love to many children and adults alike. They also were very good friends who gave us encouragement to keep going. We thank God for those who have worked on this cistern to provide clean water to this community. It was definitely in a good time with the cholera outbreak. On the 12th through the 14th, we had a few representatives from Somebody cares Houston who were awesome prayer warriors for the season we were going through. In addition to praying, they helped with the medical issues, told bible stories with puppets and gave much love to everyone. They blessed the school breakfast program with much peanut butter. They were a great encouragement for Mary. The last two weeks Kathy Brooks has led a couple teams who have worked on many different projects including gardening and small business'. We also had a team here from First Baptist Hattiesberg who have been a blessing helping with construction, medical needs and loving the children. Brian Smith has been here for a few weeks working on the housing project. We now have two foundations completed and are working on the walls of one. He will return soon to continue on this project. We thank him and those from Omaha who are working beside us in Jubilee. We praise God for those who visit us and bring the hope of God's unconditional love with them to share with us and our friends.
If you would like to see more updates on what has happened the last few weeks, you can look at muchministies.org, omaharapidresponse.blogspot.com, omaharapidresponse.org, or you can find Laura Lynn on facebook at lauralynnnichols. Many of you have asked how you can help with the school. There are opportunities to help in the school through jubileekidsinc.org or see attached (attached coming soon).
The presidential election was held today with much violence and people dumping ballot boxes in the street. It is expected to bring unrest. Please continue to pray for the government and this process.
I hope each of you have had a wonderful week this week as you have reflected on what you are thankful for during this season. As I have reflected the last few weeks, the thing that I am thankful for is God placing people around me who in the mist of a battle run towards the sound of the gunfire. Through all that has happened everyone involved has served selflessly and had the interest of others as more important than their own lives and welfare. I think that is what Oswald Chambers is talking about as he encourages us to identify with Christ's interest in other people. As we continue to ponder Jesus' probable action I am realizing that many times it calls us to a place of sacrifice and suffering on the behalf of others which is what Jesus set an example for us to do. I have found that I have failed in this area so many times because I thought what was on my agenda was more important than what God wanted to do in the lives of others, therefore I followed my desires and missed identifying His interest in others. Lord help us each day to deny ourselves and follow in your light and your steps in Jesus name. We thank you for your prayers and support and are blessed to see God honoring our prayers as we work in the Kingdom together.
With love in Christ,
Prayer request
Mary is doing much better with very little nausea.
Provision for medika manmba
Cholera and those effected.
Construction projects.
Government and election process
Bus to help with transportation.
Cholera and those effected.
Construction projects.
Government and election process
Bus to help with transportation.