The team was wonderful in spending much time showing God's love to these little ones. Darrin young returned to finish the project on the composting toilet for the community. This will certainly be a great blessing to the community and help with the spread of disease such as Haiti experienced this week. Delono was a worker who helped with the construction on the toilet. Last week his wife gave birth to twins. Mike Hodge traveled with the team and it was a blessing having him and Darrin help out with the construction on the building. We were able to pour several more post and perlins. We are also praying for someone to come and oversee the construction project here. Please continue to pray for continued provision for building and someone to stay for a while to help out.
Joel Hannon led a team from New Hamshire this week. They were involved in many activities which helped build relationships into the Kingdom of God. Joel's wife Nancy and two daughters Naomi, Lydia, and Marilyn worked with the deaf school at pastor Genada,s church. It was good to see these relationships continue in dept from the past years. They also worked with Laura Lynn in the Jubilee school on Wednesday, teaching and encouraging the children.
Joel, his son Joey and Mark helped to build a cistern for the community. It has been a great blessing to have a well with good water and now with the cistern, the community will be able to have fresh water. It was a lot of work digging a four foot deep hole and building forms to mold the concrete, but it is near complete and we will be putting a top on it this week where the community can start using it. This is another way which will prevent the spread of diseases.
Dr Chris with his daughter Rachel and three nurses from Colorado had several clinics in Jubilee and Roboto which was a great blessing to those who do not have money to buy medicines. During the clinic some twins which were just born, were brought in. The mother died during childbirth and the aunt was taking care of them. Please pray for their family as they mourn this loss.
Joel, his son Joey and Mark helped to build a cistern for the community. It has been a great blessing to have a well with good water and now with the cistern, the community will be able to have fresh water. It was a lot of work digging a four foot deep hole and building forms to mold the concrete, but it is near complete and we will be putting a top on it this week where the community can start using it. This is another way which will prevent the spread of diseases.
Dr Chris with his daughter Rachel and three nurses from Colorado had several clinics in Jubilee and Roboto which was a great blessing to those who do not have money to buy medicines. During the clinic some twins which were just born, were brought in. The mother died during childbirth and the aunt was taking care of them. Please pray for their family as they mourn this loss.

We are hearing that there has been 330 deaths with the Cholera outbreak and as many as 4,700 hospitalized. This has been difficult for those who have lost loved ones and those who have been and are sick. We have helped by bringing community awareness and taking extra precautions for ourselves. It seems that things are getting better at the moment. Please pray for this situation and those who are sick and have lost loved ones.
On Saturday November the 6th there will be a silent auction in Brunswick, Ga. to benefit the children in Jubilee. It will begin with a time of praise and worship. Attached is a flier which gives the date, place and time for this. You can also see other ways to get involved at www.jubileekidsinc.org We are thankful to those who see the need and are being doers of the word. Please pray for this event and those who are organizing it.
With much love and a big thanks from Mary and I to those who are praying and supporting what God is doing here. We are continually in awe at Him and His work.
With Love in Christ,
Mary is doing much but continues to have minor stomach pains, and nausea.
Provision for medika manmba
Cholera and those effected.
Someone with construction experience to help with building.