
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to School...

Hello, Due to the computer crashing, I have not been able to communicate the last few weeks. This morning during devotion, I was reminded about our need to prefer one another and I shared with the group about how it is pride in my life which allows me to think of myself more highly than others or more significant than others. I do this many times by thinking I am more right or my opinion is more important than theirs. Once we realize this is happening, we must be intentional about putting others first. We do this by renewing our minds to let them be more significant or placing them in a higher place or a more important place than we are. When we do this, we can then become their servant and convey God's unconditional love to them. Please pray for me as I try to always look to others as more significant than I,and allow the spirit of God within me to place my pride on the cross and die to selfish ambitions and motivations.

Mary received treatment on her neck on the 29th of July. She has had some soreness from the procedure, but is doing better now. Thank you for your prayers and continued prayers for her.

Group from Bland Va. led by Jim and Debbie Hambrick repaired some houses in Jubilee, did VBS with children, and did a VBS with an Orphanage north of Gonaives. It was a great time of building relationships. The group from Toccoa also worked on Houses and did VBS in Jubilee. It was a blessing to have them serve here. The group from First Baptist Brunswick was here this past week and were instrumental in making preparations and starting the school on Thursday. They also started the construction on a composting toilet for the people in the community. It has been a great few weeks of work as the teams built relationships for the Kingdom of God. We praise God for those who are praying giving and visiting to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

I will be going home today to Join Mary for several weeks. While there we will be resting, visiting with friends and family, and sharing about what our God is doing with different groups. If you would like for us to share with your church or group, let us know.

Beaver Brooks is here this week and will be Joined by Kathy this evening. They will be standing in the Gap here in Gonaives as work continues on construction and school begins. I am so thankful that God provides all we need. I am thankful for Kathy and Beaver for their service in the Kingdom of God.

School started this week and it was great to see all the smiling faces on the children and their eagerness to learn. We were able to find a place for all of them to learn as construction continues on the building. We were able to pour the cement on the floor on the east end of the building and also pour more columns on the west end this week. We praise God for HIs provision in His work. Please continue to pray for God's provision as we move forward with this.

There have been several turns of events over the past few weeks with gaining permission to use the land for housing. First the Mayor of Gonaives passed away, then we sent a letter to the one who was in charge, then there was another interim placed in Charge this past week. We were able to meet with him and his staff yesterday morning and see God work in a way in which only God can. They gave us permission to use the land and we will be working towards finalizing the paperwork this week. Bryan Smith will be arriving this week to begin building up of the land for the housing. Please keep this process in your prayers.

With love in Christ

Prayer Request
*Construction and provision.
*Continued favor from God as we process paperwork and begin work on Housing project.
*Mary's neck pain is almost gone.
*Favor from God for land.