
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Auction Brings Hope...

Last week another team from First Baptist Brunswick, led by Brandon Clements arrived in Gonaives. The team included dentist, Dental hygienist, medical personnel and others who loved to love on children. They were able to see many people here who had dental problems. It is not very often that we see Dentist here, so the lines were long with people who needed help. We were able to do a medical clinic in Jubilee and Raboto. On the way to PAP we were able to stop at Bercy and treat many of the adults and children there. During the clinic at Jubilee, a woman named Anaise came in with a 9 year old boy Benson, who had many problems since birth. It seemed he was crazy. When she puts him down, he will run in the road or pick up poop and put it in his mouth. She had lost her home in the flood of 2008. Her husband left because he could not cope with it. She was staying with a friend who was putting her on the street because of the actions of the son, she could not work to provide for her family due to the constant care of Benson. When she came to the clinic, she was at the end, crying and asking for help. Those on the team had opportunities to pray for her and Benson and encourage them. We are thankful for First Baptist Brunswick and there continuing effort and commitment to make positive changes in peoples lives who are less fortunate.

This past week has been a blessing in many ways. Johnny and Glenda Aldrige from Emmanuel Baptist Church in Blackshear visited with us. Johnny is the one who God gave a vision to have an auction for Haiti. It was Because Johnny and Glenda exercised their faith in what God was calling them to do, God blessed the auction greatly. Thanks to those who have given of what they had, those prayed, those helped, and those who bought these items which are turned into necessities of life for so many people. Because you gave your all, this week Anaise, Benson and his other two siblings have a new house. We will continue praying and working with this family to find some help for Benson. Thank you for giving to the Lord. Johnny's Pastor, Mike Stone along with Jerry Strickland from Emannuel Baptist Church also visited with us this week. Brother Mike encouraged the pastors in Bible school. Thanks to those who are coming and making a difference for the Kingdom of God.
Saturday evening while giving away clothes, shoes and bibles to some of our friends in Jubilee, we had a grandmother bring in a little girl named Diana. Diana is three years old and weighs 11.5 pounds. We were able to get her to a hospital in Dapoto. They will try to help her with nutrition, after that we will need to find her some help for her other problems which we do not know what are, her joints are starting to draw up. As I was writing this yesterday morning, I received a phone call that Diana died. Please keep her family in your prayers.
The construction for the school is well underway. The workers are starting the foundation of the other half of the building. We praise God for his provision through all our friends who see the and are praying and giving. It not only provides a place for school, but jobs to our friends who need provisions for their families. We are trying to complete 6 classrooms before school starts in the fall.

Prayer Request
Mary has had pain in her neck for about 15 days now. Please pray for healing to her neck and back.
Pray for Diana's family.
Pray for wisdom and insight as we try to help Benson
Please continue to pray for those teams who come and make a difference for the Kingdom.
We praise God for his provision through the Body of Christ.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter means different things to different people. As I reflect on Easter, I think about the festive time of past years spent with family and friends. We all come together with dish of pot luck and some meat on the grill. It has always been a good time of fellowship as the young and old come together and share time, food, games, and fellowship. As a Christian, I think of the debt that was paid on Calvary's cross and the new life which comes from the resurrection when you have a personal relationship with Jesus. I also think of the transforming power of God who changes us from who we were to who we become in Jesus Christ in the process of sanctification. This is the meaning to so many people who are Christians and have a relationship with Jesus as they reflect on what happened over two thousand years ago. There are so many people here who reflect during this time about what happened then, and they believe that Satan had the victory over Jesus on the cross and do not realize that He has risen. This weekend they have been celebrating this victory in a big way. As we went to Jubilee yesterday evening, they were preparing there for the evening ra-ra. Please continue to pray for these. The people in the village of Jubilee had the opportunity to watch the Passion of Christ film last night. It was a blessing to see so many watching the film.

There is an opportunity for you to make a difference in Haiti. The date for the Auction has been set for April the 10th which is next Saturday. It is an opportunity to for you to give things you do not need or use anymore. These items can be changed into food, clothes, and education for those less fortunate than you. Please consider giving things you may have in your garage or attic to the benefit Haiti Auction which will be next Saturday in Blackshear, Ga. Items such as cars, boats, motorcycles, campers, jewelry, furniture, land, and other items. To see items which are listed and photos, you can look at You can also find some links at the top of this blog for more information concerning the auction.
Please prayerfully consider giving to this cause and pray for those who are committed to this task and working so hard to make it happen.

Our friends from First Baptist Brunswick returned this week to continue building relationships with the people here in Gonaives. The team was led by Sondra McNorton who helped Doreen in the school. They tested all the children and worked with the teachers. We were able to do several medical clinics during the week. There are so many malnourished children and babies that come to the clinics. Please pray for these that they get the help they need.The team had an opportunity to give away bibles to the community. It was great to see the desire they had to have a copy of God's word. Those on the team who had been before were able to see how much they were missed when the children remembered thier names. It was a powerful week where we seen God's love flow in amazing ways. It is amazing to see how the power of God's love flows through willing vessels. Greg Dixon came with the team and will be helping Laura Lynn in the school for the rest of the year. Thank you First Baptist Brunswick for the things you do for the Kingdom of God.
Mary is over her cold now and doing better. We are praising God for all He is doing around us and through the body of Christ as we serve Him. Thank you for your prayers and support. It is only through you that we are able to function where God has placed us. We wish you a Happy Easter as you reflect on his Goodness.
With love in Christ
Prayer Request
Children who need medical help.
Auction: Those who give and those who will be recipients.
Praising God for who He is.