It has been a great week in Jubilee. There was a group from Omaha and a group from Blackshear Ga. which combined efforts to bring hope to those in Jubilee. Some helped with construction to replace a leaking roof on Alberto's house and put a concrete floor in it. They also visited Felishaia's home which needed to be destroyed where a new one could be constructed. They were not able to complete the process, but were able to get the roof on. It will be completed in the next couple of days with local labor.
In addition to construction, the teams combined their medical talents and did several clinics. The need for medicines here seems to be so great, but God seems to continue to provide much through the body of Christ. We are so grateful for those who continue to build relationships into the Kingdom of God. They also participated in the English class building relationships with others. The team from Ga. also bought 2,200 lbs of rice and 1,000 lbs of beans to feed the children. We praise God for His supply through the Body of Christ.
I have mentioned before how we only have the opportunity to submit our lives when there is a difference of opinion. Whether it is with our spouse, our boss, or even with Jesus when His will needs to take priority over ours. While in devotion on Wednesday morning of this week, God spoke to me about our need to love and how it is easy to share love when it does not cost us anything, or when there is no strife. But what about the opportunities we have which are more difficult to share God's love. When there is disagreement, when there is strife, when there is persecution. These are the times when we have the greatest opportunity to share and extend the love of God with others and prefer others over ourselves. I don't know about you, but these are the times which it is difficult for me, yet we are commanded to do this as Christians. May God bless us as we continue to love, respect, and pray for those who are difficult in our relationships.
Mary has had a bad cold this week, but is doing some better now. The school continues to do great with Laura Lynn leading the effort there. Construction has resumed and doing well. Marvin is Back in our home. He is doing good. His Tb and CD4 test were both good, though he has had some swelling in his lympnodes this week. Please continue to pray for him. Kervins from Dorothy's has been with us for several weeks now. Thank each of you for your support and prayers which is changes lives for the Kingdom of God.
With love in Christ,