Note: You can click on each picture to view if larger.
During this season as Mary and I reflected on what we are thankful for, the things and people are immeasurable. We regret that we are not able to spend time with our family and friends during this time, but are thankful that we have friends and Family like each of you. We are so thankful for God's provision for our family through the years. I do not remember a time when I had to wonder if my children were going to eat before they went to bed, or if they were going to get an education, if they were going to get the health care they needed, or if they were going to have a roof and a place to sleep or even if they had a bed to sleep on. Yet we live amongst a people here who have those worries and must depend on God for their daily bread and existence. We are so thankful for those of you who have been the answer to prayer for so many. Yet the need seems to be so great.
From time to time in history the Holy Spirit of God moves on people who are obedient to the Spirit and it changes the world for people around them. During the time of the early church, the Holy Ghost moved among men and women and we see the account in Acts chapter 4:34 where "Neither was there any among them that lacked, for as many as were possessors of Lands or houses, sold them and brought the prices of the things which were sold". Today God still inspires and moves people through His Holy Spirit who are willing to be Obedient to Him.
Last March, Johnny Aldridge visited us here in Gonaives, and God has been speaking to him since then how he can make a difference. Johnny is an auctioneer who lives in Blackshear, Ga. God has spoken to him about collecting things which people no longer need or want and having an auction for the proceeds to come to Haiti. The things which you have that you never use could be turned into food, health care, a house, shoes, bed, or other necessity which people are in need of.
So I ask each of you during this season as you reflect on your Thanksgiving and ask God to show you what you can do to make a difference and help balance the equality of the church. Some of you need your garage cleaned or attic, some need to displace some old things to make room for new things this Christmas. Some have jewelry, furniture, televisions, guns, quilts, lands, and houses, such as the early church which would help this inequality. So please pray and ask God in your relationship with Him what you can do.
Above is a flier that Johnny has already shared with some churches in the Georgia area. Arrangements can be made for many in the Georgia area to pick up items. But if you live further away, some items could be mailed or a key person could be responsible for collecting and a pick up scheduled. If you have any questions concerning this, please contact Johnny via contact info in the document link at the top of this page, by phone at 912-449-3303, or you can e-mail Johnny by clicking his name. May God bless you as you seek Him helping the Kingdom of God.

Our good friends from Myrtle Beach SC returned again the week before Thanksgiving. They were a big Blessing to us as we were relocating that week into a new ministry building. They were such a blessing helping with painting, building repairs and setting up pharmacy. We are excited about the new ministry opportunities this building is bringing us with a room for clinic and pharmacy. Other task included feeding the children, computer training for the teachers, Woobens and Michel, meeting some of the medical needs of the children in Jubilee. Those who come are a blessing as they build relationships with us and our friends for the Kingdom of God. Please continue to pray for those who are visiting us and those God is calling to visit here. 
Jerry has been patiently waiting, but his surgery has been rescheduled for February 9th. There is an American Doctor who is coming at that time to work on other cases and will do this while he is here. Please continue to pray for him, the Doctor and his family as this day approaches. Marvin visited Doctor Honore and received a good report. His TB has cleared up and he is doing great. He will return to the Dr. in January to have another CD4 count done for his HIV. Please continue to pray for him. Aron is doing great and over 15 pounds now and we are continuing to pray for someone to adopt him.
The building project seems to going good. We are using people in Jubilee to do the work. They work for 6 dollars US per day, mixing cement, carrying rock and sand, and other hard labor. We are rotating the laborers as much as possible, to help as many as we can. Every day several people are asking me for work. This is not much money but it helps feed their family. When you contribute to the building, you are helping others have jobs to feed their family. We want to start another class of School in January and need more room for children and teachers. Please pray for the funding we need to continue this work, so we will have the much needed space. This first part will have bathroom, two classes and a room for a clinic.
God has been blessing the labors of Pastor Genada and Rose as they serve here. He now has a baptistery in his church where there were 23 people baptized over the last two Sundays who had made a decision to follow Jesus. They now have their roof on and praying for God's provision to finish the church with doors, windows and flooring. He is also praying for a roadworthy vehicle. Please continue to pray for their ministry here.
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With Love In Christ,
Emory and Mari
Prayer request
Jerry, Marvin and Aron
Provision of funds for construction
God's blessing on auction and Johnny as he leads this effort.
Those who are visiting
Children in School.
The Genada's ministry