We now have three boys who have been staying with us for several months, two of which are orphans. We have been taking care of them and sending them to school. When we returned in January, the older one Doodley said that he did not have a teacher. After looking into it, the teacher was just not showing up for school. The student which they deemed smartest, then became the teacher. At least they made an effort. On Monday their was a demonstration with the students because the teachers in the government schools did not show up for school. They were shooting guns in the air and it appeared at one place that they had been throwing rocks. When they demonstrate, they go as many as will down the streets to get as many students as they can to join them and sometimes throw rocks at the schools which do not participate, therefore you have thousands of students sometimes blocking the roadways as they march. The annual carnival is slated for February 24th, which is Ra Ra or known as Mardi Gras in the states. Another party derived from Voodoo which celebrates Satan's victory over Jesus Christ. The students were demonstrating because the city Government gave money for the Ra Ra but did not have or want to pay the teachers.
This week has been a challenge in several ways. The local pastor wrote me a letter, refusing to help with feeding the children anymore. We spent time this week with local government officials to acquire the market area in the village of Jubilee Blanc. They have given us permission to use it and put a lock on it to keep our things there. The Government also gave ok to begin again placing dirt on the property to build it up. We are working on getting a contractor to dig the well. Later in the week, the Local pastor came to me asking forgiveness and I said he was forgiven. The forgiveness of Christ is a powerful force when we are able to pass it on after we receive it. I look for there to be some problems with some of the villagers as we use this area. Please be in prayer for us as we seek God's will Daily. As I was reading in Proverbs this week, Proverbs 16:7 says " When a man's ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." I believe as long as we are abiding in Him, He will take care of our enemies.
Mary's father was placed in the Waycross Hospital this week with low blood pressure 35/16, vomiting, low white blood cell count, and infection in his body. As you know he was already struggling with problems with his kidneys. He is doing better now and has been returned to the nursing home. Please continue to pray for him.
There continues to be many opportunities to share Christ in our daily task. Saturday we were about sharing Christ with people and there was lady who said she would continue following Satan. I do not know her name, but please pray for her. One man told us as we were sharing in the palace area a couple of weeks ago that his father and grandfather were Voodoo priest and he wanted to break the cycle and follow Christ. Truly the harvest is great but the laborers are few. Many people are making decisions to follow Christ. Following Christ is not a one time decision, it is a daily practice of denying ourselves and our wants and conforming to His ways and to His image. Please pray for us as we share the hope and deliverance which is in Christ as we allow Him to be our Lord and Master.
It has been an awesome time of meeting new people and working with them in the Kingdom of God. We met 16 people from Va. and Wis. a couple weeks ago who were giving Sherrie's house a makeover for the orphans and a few of them were able to travel with us to Gonaives to see the work here. It was an awesome time of work worship and fellowship.
We have a team this coming week who will begin a medical history for the children in Jubilee. We are looking forward to what God is going to do this week as we work in His steps. Please pray for teams who are coming and making a difference.
Some of you have seen and others have requested the youtube video from much ministries as they came and helped us and the children after the flood. It is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRKiNn2E7bQ&feature=related
Pastor Genada continues to rebuild his house, bakery and church. 
God continues to be a provision for this work. The NGO's finally removed the dirt from the road going to Pastor Genada's church this week, five months after the storm. Please pray for the Genada's and the body of believers there. As I walked this week in areas which you cannot drive, I continue to try to grasp the depth, width, and magnitude of the problems of the people here who still are not able to stay in their homes because there is nowhere to place the mud. It is as much as 8 feet deep in some streets where people have taken it out of there yards. Please continue to pray for this city and the Government here.
There continues to be a steady supply of food for the children. Thank you to those who are giving so that others will have. The Body being a supply for the Body.
With love in Christ;
Emory and Mary
Prayer request
* Peace during carnival time during the 24th and days preceding.
* New opportunities in Jubilee, Market building, building up land, and well.
* Marys father as recovers and endures kidney problems.
* For people to be daily followers of Christ.
* Genada's ministries,
* Thank God for His continued provision for the children.