
Friday, January 20, 2017

      Hey friends
           Our hope is that you are having a wonderful start to a new year. It has been a time of abundance of Family, friends, fellowship, and food through the holidays. In addition to that we have experienced an abundance in the out pouring of your love and support. Exceedingly abundantly above what we could think or imagine.  There has been several times over the last few weeks that I have wept as I learned of your sacrificial and selfless acts of giving to those in need. As much as I was overwhelmed at the sight of those in need, so am I overwhelmed at the provision for those in need. Thanks seems to be so insignificant at the moment, but I know how thankful will be those who are the true recipient of your gift. We arrived in Haiti on Thursday the 12th and were able to receive delivery on a truck for our transportation. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Unfortunately on Friday after we arrived, a good friend of mine went home to be with Jesus, so I returned to the states for a few days for his going home celebration. Please pray for the Glynn Little family and friends. I returned on Tuesday of this week. Our next Goal was to find a place to call home. And yesterday we found a place to rent in Port Salut. Thank God for His blessings. Our Goal was for 100 homes, and God has provided nearly enough for 200 plus a truck, so I do not want to set anymore goals, but allow God to do what He wants in this. I was able to begin construction on about 15 homes in December and looking forward to following up to see where they are over this next week. Our goal is to empower families by giving them the construction materials they need to rebuild their homes. Please continue to share our vision and passion with others so we can continue to help those in need. They need you to be a voice for them.
You can give via PayPal at or send it to
Christian light ministries PO box 23881 Jacksonville. Fla. 32241. If you want to designate to our work in Haiti, put Emory Wilson on the response or comment line. You can also see our history and recent photos at

    The three amigos.
          Sometimes in life, people come in who impact your life and make a difference. Mary and the group of ladies she does life and study with on Wednesdays, have been praying and providing for the homeless people in our area. Little did she know that God would allow her to meet the needs of a few people in need. So the Thursday before new years day in the middle of the afternoon, Mary calls me to let me know that God has placed three people without a place to call home in her paths. She had done the normal giving goody bags which she keeps in her car for this purpose. But today was different, God is speaking to her about helping with more than goody bags. She says " I think the Holy Spirit is telling me that I need to help these along the way to their destination by bringing them home, feeding them, washing their clothes, and letting them get a bath. My response is for her to abandon her fears and fences to do what she hears God speaking to her. Yes there was fears of being a woman with three men, and yes there was these fences up where woman should never help men. (by the way is this clearly is not the example which Jesus set for us.) So thankful that in this situation she is not allowing what our cultural norm would tell her. So she extends the invitation for these three guys and their injured pit bulldog to get in her car and bring them home. We I arrive she is preparing their meal and they are hanging out on the porch. They are so thankful and graciously appreciating the hospitality that Mary has extended to them. After diner I get them some shorts and under ware so they can get a bath and Mary washes their clothes. It was a cold weekend and Mary suggest inviting them to stay for a couple of days to stay warm and also participate in our annual family cane grinding. So we extend the invitation and they accept. The next morning they wash Mary's car before she goes to work, I go to work and out son leaves to hangout with friends, and they are there to fend for themselves. They interact with family and friends in the community as they find more new friends. Some are very accepting, some definitely have questions, but yet through it all they testify of an acceptance and love which they have never experienced before. On Sunday morning I awake early to take them to Jacksonville so they can continue their journey. One of the guys was searching for relationship and community, and one of my nephews asked him, "why are you running if you want relationship"? So a week later he returned to find the relationship and community he has been searching for. He is now living in our community, has a job and hopefully will find his relationship with God through a community who is representing Christ to Him.

         In the mist of all this, God continues to show me boundaries and fences we have up in our culture, which keep us from loving others well. I think many times people act out of what we think about them, so when we think the worst in people they act in the worst, if we think the best of people, then they act out of that value system.  I am definitely guilty of profiling people and judging them by their environment or their relationships. A few days after they left, I realized that I did not even look in our home to see if there was something missing which they had taken, in part because all I have belongs to Him and in part realizing there is nothing materially this side of heaven which should keep us from demonstrating His love to others. Through sharing this story with groups and individuals, it has opened my eyes to many boundaries that we use which prevents us from hearing and following the Holy Spirit in our lives. Some have shared they would never pick up strangers like that, especially if I am a woman and they are men, or visa versa. Does that mean that you will not allow the Holy Spirit to let you be the good Samaritan to those in need. Does fear or cultural expectations of people drive us in such a way that we would ignore if God called us to do something outside the norm? Do we have material things in our homes which we want to protect, so we would never bring a stranger in our mist due to fear of loosing material things? So we say the Holy Spirit of the living God would never lead us to do that!! Hopefully we have not so blocked God out of such an intimate relationship he desires for each of us. I am so proud of my wife for allowing God to use her in such a way, despite the fear and what others may think about her following the leading of God.

Emory and Mary


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