
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Visit from Our Son Brings Joy in Our Hearts

It has been a great week this week as we visited with our son Justin and his fiancé Aron. He arrived last Saturday. We were able to spend the entire week together as we did ministry and had other opportunities to do things together. On Tuesday morning we were able to hike up the mountain near our home. and on Wednesday, we went out to sea with Barnabas, one of the local fishermen. He was able to play his trumpet in pastor Genada's church. in our English class and at the Un compound when we were invited there. It was great once again to show the love of God to these Muslims there. As Justin was playing Christian songs, I was praying that the Holy Spirit would speak to these men. Justin came on the first trip to Haiti with Waynesville Baptist church when we stayed at Bercy. It was great opportunity for him to return and it was Great for Mary and I to spend this time with him and Aron. they traveled back to Savannah Georgia on Friday night where they are attending Armstrong university. He has plans to finish school in the fall of 2010 and begin teaching music. Please continue to pray for him and Aron. Tommy Colley has been with us for the last two weeks and is flying home today. Please continue to pray for him and others who are visiting with us and making a difference in the lives of people here in Haiti.

Marvin, one of the four boys which is in our home has been in our home since December, has been sick for a couple of months. After several rounds of antibiotics and other treatments, we took him to a private clinic this week for blood test. He test were positive for TB, Malaria, and HIV. We will take him on Monday for another HIV test for confirmation. If it is positive, we will place him in a HIV program which will give him the help which he needs. He is nine years old. Please pray for him as we walk through this and get the care which he needs.

This week on Thursday, as we were making plans to take Herode (he is the one which is 18 months and 9 lbs.) to Dorothy's for extended care, we went to Jubilee to talk with the mother. While we were there at his mothers house, another lady came up with a baby which was born on March 17th of this year. The mother died after the baby was three days old from anemia. The grandmother had taken the baby and tried to care for it. Now she had recognized the baby was dying and was wanting to give it up. It appeared to be near death, and we took it home and began giving him liquids. He did not have a name and Mary named him Aron. We were concerned he may not live through the night. We praised God that He allowed him to live through the night. Dorothy said she would be willing to take him for a while, so we took him and Herode to Pot-au-Prince with us on Friday. On Saturday, we took him to a clinic in PAP to get an x-ray of his skull. The doctor confirmed that he has craniosynostosis which is a fusion of the skull which will not allow expansion of the skull which will in turn not allow the brain to grow. It is believed that he will not live long and he will have seizures and pain. This has broken our hearts. In most cases you just love and comfort until the end. We are here to give these people hope and I am in a place where many have given up and I am praying God will intervene and change his death to life. Please join us in prayer as we pray for Aron

The rains this past week has magnified problems in Jubilee. We wanted to start building a feeding shelter on the property, but due to rains, we were not able to. It has been an awesome week to go back have the people there wanting us to continue feeding the children. There is also a burden for those who continue to try to stand in the way of what we are trying to do in order to get personal gain. Please continue to pray that God will show us His way clearly and we will follow his path closely.

Mary and I would like to thank those of you who are supporting these efforts through your VBS. We would like to connect to you as much as possible through audio/ video conference or the use of a promotional DVD. If you would be interested in more information please leave a comment below for contact information.

With love in Christ,
Emory and Mary
Prayer Request
Marvin as we confirm test and give treatment
Aron; that he will get care and healing which he needs.
Those who are visiting and those who God is calling to visit.
Political unrest and discernment in Jubilee

Monday, May 18, 2009

Manifest the Life of Christ

It is always good to give you reports of the great things which God is doing here in Gonaives. It is not so easy to give reports of the struggles and persecutions which we have while serving on the foreign field. This has been and continues to be one of the hardest weeks Mary and I have had as we serve here. Even as I write, our hearts are heavily burdened for those we have grown to love. The people in the village of Jubilee, began using the market this week which is good, for it provides opportunities for them to make money for their families. After that one of the villagers took the benches we were using to feed the children with and would not return them. We spent most of the day yesterday getting orders from a judge for them to return the benches. They were returned but the judge told us if they did not want to work with us, we needed to find another place in the city to feed children where people would work with us. We have grown to love many of the children and adults in this village and do not want to leave. We believe this is where God has called us to serve. As I was reading Oswald Chamber's "utmost for his highest" this morning, I was reminded that I was saved to manifest the life of Christ in this mortal flesh. It is when we are placed in difficult situations such as this that we are able to manifest the life of our flesh or the life of Christ. When things are going good, we do not have this opportunity. It is difficult at best as we walk though this trial, but my prayer is that I will respond in the way which Jesus would respond and His life would be manifest in me. We are having to stop feeding the children a few days as we seek God's will and direction. Please pray for the children and those who are using the children in a way to try to control us.

God continues to provide for the needs of the children day by day. Another baby who has been malnourished for a few months was brought to the feeding program this week His name is Herode. He is 18 months old and 9 pounds. Mrs. Baker is helping care for him. She will keep him in her home for a few weeks to try to nurse him back to health. We took him for blood test and everything is good except his hemoglobin level which is 9. Please continue to pray for him.

Doctor Jeffers took us to another home last week where a woman lay in bed with bedsores which smelt as rotting flesh. We tried to encourage the family to get her to the hospital, but they chose not to. Please continue to pray for her and others here who need medical assistance. We were able to take three people to PAP this week for medical treatment.

We have had the opportunity to continue working with the Pakistani Un troops here. Most of them are Muslims and one is a Christian. We have had several opportunities for them to come to our home and share a meal and fellowship with them and they have invited us to meals and fellowships on the UN Base. Jesus said and the greatest of these is love. As we love people who are not like us, it give opportunities for us to manifest the life of Christ in our mortal bodies. Because they were our friends, they willingly escorted us as we went to pick up the benches. We praise God that he allows us to build relationships into the Kingdom of God.

Last week a team was here from Wisconsin who made a difference in many lives. There was two houses worked on where widows lived which the storm damaged. Don Shire who led the team, shared with many the hope which is in Jesus Christ by sharing the gift God has given him for playing the trumpet. We had opportunities in Church, Un camp and in the town square, both children's feeding programs and in the homes of shut-ins to share this talent and the hope which is in Jesus. The team consisted of a few carpenters also which helped work on Pastor Genada's church along with Austin. Austin will be leaving this week. I thank God for him and his willingness to come and serve in the Kingdom of God. Please pray for him as he returns home. Also pray for those who are continuing to come and change lives.

Prayer Request
* Tension in Jubilee
* Thank God for His continued provision for the children through the Body of Christ and pray for continued provision.
* Persons in need of medical help.
* Praise God for all His provision through the Body of Christ in many different ways.

With love in Christ,
Emory and Mary